

2015-01-04 17:43



一、考试时间:2014 年 11 月 8 日


本次考试 1 新 3 旧,均为 11 版本。整体难度适中。题型和场景都属亍经典出题形式。

本次考试填空题占 16 题, 表格 6, 选择 15 题, 简答 3 题。

Section 1 新题,儿童项目咨询;表格 6+填空 4

Section 2 旧题= 110305,合唱团介绍;选择 8+填空 2

Section 3 旧题=110514,论文开题报告讨论;选择 3+填空 7

Section 4 旧题=111210,商学院作业;填空 3+选择 4+简答 3


Section 1:

场景分析   Section 1 Horse center 儿童项目咨询

题型分析   Section 1:表格 6 + 填空 4


1-6 table completion


Length of the course

Main features


Pony club 4-7 years old

1. Summer Saturdays


Donkeys ride stories listening

Farm Discovery camp
5-10 years old


2.hike around a lake

Other activities



3.nutrition and Health course


Leader and training camp 13-16 years old


5.Basic riding safety

6.fire for a meal

7-10 completion

7. Guest speaker:new ways for horse presentation

8. Wedenesdays:swimming

9. Address:9290,Puslinch road

10. Open time:8.30 am-4.15 pm

场景拓展   剑 6-test2-s1

Library/Education department/Castles/Undersea Worlds/Silver paper


Section 2=110305

场景分析   一个男的在做 radio program 介绍合唱团

题型分析   Section 2:选择 8 + 填空 2


11. Made some special music,选 C(做 classical music)

12. Did some social events,选 A(通过音乐互相认识朊友)

13. Won some musical prize,选 B

14. Record a CD recently,选 C

15. Do some charity,选 A

16. 一个是问现在合唱团多少成员:选 C,9 B12。

A 是 4 年前的数目,C 是现在的,B 是平均数

17. 问这个合唱团都是什么时候做音乐:选 B。

A. Before work

B. at lunchtime

C. After work

干扰项 C,都会选择工作后,课这个团队是 中间的 Break 的时候

18. 他们是靠什么来收入的

A. By selling performance clothes

B. By function some commercial music

C. By paying for singing classes

19. 合唱的作用:改善了员工之间的 relationship

20. 使他们 escape from work

场景拓展   剑 4-test3-s2

Adults/Studio Theatre/Families/City Gardens/Young children


Section 3=110514

场景分析   论文开题报告讨论

题型分析   选择 3+填空 7


21-23 multiple choice

21. Theproposal will be:

A. Reviewed by two examiners

B. Added to the final grade

C. Returned to students with feedback

22. The proposal will mostly emphasize on

A. Topic

B. Method

C. Result

23. The proposal‘s word limit is to

A. Strictly obey rules

B. Write at least 6000 words

C. no restriction on it

24-30 completion

24. conduct interview

25. please use correct font

26. You can change the project

27. but you need to send a note in advance

28. you have to give 2 copies

29. please submit assignment before deadline of 11th May

30. After hypothesis, you should pay attention to the procedure

场景拓展   剑 4-test2-s3

Collecting data/Survey Research/London University Press

Section 4= 111210

场景分析   Section4 商学院作业

题型分析   Section4:填空 3+选择 4+简答 3


31-33 completion

31. Company's mission statement

32. Student's C.V. should be attached

33. Maximum 500 words for each skill part

34-37 multiple choices

34. Section 3 mainly talks:

A. Computer literacy

B. Academic qualification

C. Training sessions

35. Section 4 mainly talks about

C. A profile for student’s career plan

36. First class serviced as support

C. Provide the requested academic help

37. when you have problem no working surroundings, please first go to consult

A. Your company colleague

B. Tutor

C. Other students

38-40 short answer question

38. Final deadline: 30th June

39. the placement officers come to each student: twice per month

40. General questions, other problems go to administration officer

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