

2015-04-23 10:24






“What is measured?  Your essay will be used by admission officers to assess your writing skills.  The exercise is not scored by SSAT, but a copy of your essay is forwarded to each school you request as a score recipient.”





1.  清晰的叙述能力;

2.  逻辑性思维能力;

3.  基本的语言驾驭能力*

*注: 这点并不在SSAT中被强调,因为该考试多数面向本土学生,外国学生的语言能力则通过TOEFLTOEFL Junior成绩来体现。




然而现状是:在真正进入一个比较学术化的环境(高中)之前,即便是美国本土学生,写作能力对于大多数5-7年级(SSAT Middle Level测试)以及8-11年级(SSAT Upper Level测试)的低年龄段考生来说,并不在学校课程中被刻意强调。对于中国的小考生来说,这个任务则是难上加难:尽管在大多数学术科目比美国学生学的更难,但是用英文写命题作文的训练仍然是一片空白。目前普通初中的孩子们的学校学习多半还停留在句子翻译式写作的阶段。更不用提他们的课外生活,往往也大多被繁重的学校作业、补习班所占据,仅有的一点时间往往都被打发在了手机和电脑上。在外国文学、课外活动以及兴趣爱好等方面的涉猎几乎为零。因此,面对SSAT写作,应该早做准备。那么,面对如此重要的考试在走进考场之前,考生又应该做哪些准备工作呢?




1 The Wednesday Wars, Gary D. Schmidt, 2007



2 The Giver, Lois Lowry, 1993



3 Having Our Say, Amy Hill Hearth, Sarah L. Delaney and A. Elizabeth Delaney, 1993



4 Animal Farm, George Orwell, 1945



5 The Outsiders, Susan. E. Hinton, 1967



6 The Book Thief, Markus Zusak, 2005



7 Escape From Camp 14, Blaine Harden, 2012



8 Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury, 1953



9 The Education of Little Tree, Asa Earl Carter, 1976



10 House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros, 1984



11 The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1850



12 Pygmalion, George Bernard Show, 1912



13 A Midsummer Night"s Dream, William Shakespeare, ~1590



14 The Prince and the Pauper, Mark Twain, 1881







SSAT写作所要求的能力与托福写作不同,很多同学凭借对托福考试的模版化写作想要生搬硬套进SSAT中的尝试是不可取的。因为托福写作是学术型议论文写作,而SSAT写作则更看重叙事与描写能力以及创造性。即没有可以偏向的“论点”也没有可以模仿的“论据说理”。因此,在SSAT写作面前,个人的经历和想象力很重要。以下是SSAT考过的几个真题(以Upper Level为例):



Read the prompts carefully. Take a few minutes to think about them and choose one you prefer. Then organize your thoughts before you begin writing. Be sure that your handwriting is legible and that you stay within the lines and margins! If you choose the essay prompt in the Upper level test, be sure to support your writing with examples from your own experience. For the creative prompts, be yourself and let your imagination flow!


Creative prompt

l  He couldn’t believe they wanted his help.


l  They could have never foreseen the outcome when they started.


l  He thought he was flying.


l  This is the oldest one he had ever seen.


Essay prompt

l  If you can become an expert in one field, what would it be and why?


l  If you could do something over again, what would it be? Why?


l  What do you consider the three best qualities in a friend?


l  What’s your favorite book and why?






“I want to an expert in biology, because I want to explore the mysterious human’s body and the wonderful animal world.

When I was 9 years old, my father found an biology encyclopedia book from bookshop and it’s colorful pictures and various types of animals and plants attracted me. And then, I read the book for 3 hours. And this book inspires me to love the animals.”

3 years past and I still love the animals and attempt to read more books about animals. And that year I was 12. Occasionally, I went to my uncle’s lab (he is a biology teacher) when I look through the microscope I was surprise by the cells of animals and plants cells. And I stay in the labs for several days and watch a lot of specimen. I was so interested in it and I brought a Microscope and do experiment every days.

And now I was still crazy about biology. And now I want to explore the human’s body-I expect to know ourselves. Why we can remember things? Can what will happened if we developing our brain to 100 percent? That was all the mysteries that our ancestors left to us and people should work out it. So, I want to be a Biologist.”




于是,我们需要就描写用的语言,词句的选用,逻辑衔接的体现等文法进行强化训练。更重要的是,我们要有目的地在有限的字数内,让将来看到我们的文章的Admission Officers能看到我们的自身的特点!几次课下来,初见成果:


“My first time being interested in biology stems from an encyclopedia, which was a gift from my father when I was only 9. The first time I saw the interesting pictures and description about various types of animals and plants, I was fascinated. Page by page, I kept reading it for three hours once I received it until my mother dragged me to the dinner desk, I still wouldn’t let go. Searching my memory, it was probably this book that inspired/ignited my passion toward biology.


Three years had passed and yet my enthusiasm never fades. By the age of 12, I visited the laboratory of my uncle’s, who is a biology professor in Dongnan University, by chance. That was when I knew of microscope and cells for the first time. Looking through the glasses, I was amazed by world of cells. From then on, I became a regular guest on the visitor list of my uncle’s lab. I even bought my own tools to conduct “experiment” myself at my own “lab”.


Now, I am crazier about biology, and I try to read biology-related materials as much as possible at my spare time, from dinosaurs to Rafflesia, from Charles Darwin to Leonardo Da Vinci, of which, the one thing that always catch my eyes is ourselves-human. “What’s the maximum potential of human beings?” “What will happen if we can fully utilize our brain function?” “Is mind-control real?” I am eager to find the answers to these questions, and I believe that is the career I want to pursue for the rest of my life.”






1.    真题或仿真命题,限时完成:


2.    自我完善,不断修正:






Recommended Reading List

Title 书名

Author 作者

Born Free        

Joy Adamson

Tales from Watership Down

Richard Adams

Little Women

Louisa May Alcott

The Wizard of Oz

L. Frank Baum

The Last Unicorn

Peter S. Beagle

When the Legends Die

Hal Borland

Green Knowe

 Lucy M. Boston

The Martian Chronicles

Ray Bradbury

The Andromeda Strain

Michael Crichton

The Tripods

John Christopher

My Brother Sam is Dead      

James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier

I Am The Cheese

Robert Cormier

The Chocolate War     

Robert Cormier

I Heard the Owl Call My Name

Margaret Craven

April Morning        

Howard Fast

Johnny Tremain

Esther Forbes

Waiting for the Rain

Sheila Gordon

Rocket BoysOctober Sky

Homer Hickam, Jr.

Across Five Aprils

Irene Hunt

A Brave New World     

Aldous Huxley

Mariel of Redwall

Jacques, Brian; Chalk, Gary; 

A Wrinkle in Time

Madeleine L'Engle

The Call of the Wild

Jack London 

A Night to Remember

Walter Lord

The Blue Sword

Robin McKinley

The Hero and The Crown

Robin McKinley


George Orwell

Animal Farm

George Orwell


Ralph Emerson


Ralph Emerson

The Closing of American Mind

Allan Bloom

Philosophy and Social Hope

Richard Rorty

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